I have been catching up on my reading lately, I have been on a Marie Harte glom, fun raunchy paranormals, including the Circe's Recruits series.
Accidentally Catty by Dakota Cassidy had me roaring with laughter, Nina will forever be in my top ten of fave characters – and this is not even her book! Dakota writes awesome women of all ages, and writes them with style. And did I mention she had me roaring out loud for most of the book? My assistant was ready to call the men in white coats on me.
Dark Slayer by Christine Feehan was another recent read, now I must admit that Feehan hasn't been my thing for a long time, but apart from the length (this book just never seemed to end) I actually enjoyed this one. After the first couple of Carpathian books it seemed like Feehan had boxed herself in with the strict rules of the world, not leaving her much scope to change up things book to book.. but I think she did well in bending and expanding the rules with this one, and giving the reader a very interesting heroine.
Never Again by Michele Bardsley was another read this month, it the first book in a new series featuring wizards and dragons WIN! Now while this was an interesting read, it is a bit of a problematic one, Bardsley spends too much time setting up the world, the romance seems to take back seat to setting things up. I know it is a first book in a new series.. but.. That said though, it is an interesting world, and I will be giving book two a shot.
Sherrilyn Kenyon, while she will forever remain a fave author, I have been avoiding her latest releases.. Anyone noticed the hating on women in her books? Especially the futuristic series?? It is always the chick doing the dumb betraying.. the OTT evil women chars.. while the heroes are all tortured perfection? Almost Mary Sues??
Sorry got a bit sidetracked, anyways, I finally picked up No Mercy and this one managed to press no buttons, but was instead a quick fun read, with laughter. I do soo love it when Kenyon gets her humour on.
And now I am looking for the next lot of reads.. it would have helped if I hadn't lost my darn wish list. *head desk*