Saturday, February 12, 2011

I have hit a couple of milestones..

I have reached 5900 books on the website, so I just had to put a special on there, ten percent off all books.
In the last couple of weeks a large amount of romantic suspense, paranormal and historical romance have been plonked up there.

Secondly, despite my plodding, I finally managed to get 700 up on ebay, shock horror! So I have stuck up a percentage off there as well. While there are some romance doubles there, some new romances, there is also a mix of mysteries, general fiction and even a couple of kids books up there.

So that is 6600 books I have listed for sale on the interwebs... and people wonder why I have a storage unit. heh

Friday, February 11, 2011

This one has me a bit lost

How does Eliza Herron get the nickname "Gay Go Up" and just what does it mean anyway??

Gay Go Up by Anne Hepple